Senard Magodi, a 29-year-old man from Nyanga, has been sentenced to 19 years in prison for stock theft, with one year suspended on the condition that he pays USD 300 in restitution. The sentencing follows his guilty plea to two counts of stock theft, which were uncovered through police investigations.
Magodi was found guilty of stealing a heifer from a 40-year-old man in Pfigu Village on April 13, 2024. He sold the heifer to another villager, but the theft was exposed when the heifer was returned to its original owner on August 20, 2024. The new owner’s report to the police led to Magodi’s arrest.
Further investigation revealed that Magodi had also stolen another heifer from a 49-year-old woman on the same evening. This heifer was also sold to a different villager. The discovery of this theft contributed to his arrest and subsequent charges.
In court, Magodi was sentenced to nine years in prison for the first count of theft and ten years for the second count. The latter sentence includes a one-year suspension contingent on the payment of restitution. Magodi will serve a total of nine years behind bars.