Home Mining Sustainable Mining in Mberengwa by SILVEIRA HOUSE

Sustainable Mining in Mberengwa by SILVEIRA HOUSE


Mberengwa youths in mining had an opportunity to introspect and say out their aspirations yesterday on the Robert Mugabe National Youth Day which was commemorated at Prospect Mine, thanks to Silveria House and a local partner ZIMSHEC.

Youth in mining face a lot of difficulties in their endeavours to make it through in life. According to the young artisinal miners there is a lot of Bullying within the sector, lack of adquate Personal Protective Equipment (Ppe), poor working environment and lack of proper training to mention but a few.

Silveira House projec co-ordinator Zandile Mvududu encouraged the youths to speak out and set out their narrative as the future belongs to them. There are other activities youths can explore which also compares well with mining, so after the life of a Mine the environment must be rehabilited. Mvududu also impressed upon the dangers of living open pits, as they are a danger to animals, human life and the entire eco system.

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After the youths were told of these dangers they decided to close one nearby disused pit and they filled it up which was applauded by everyone present.

The youths were taught on safe mining, health matters and were appreciative of the knowledge imparted onto them.


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