Home News Youth Ignite: President Mnangagwa Sparks Development Enthusiasm on National Youth Day!

Youth Ignite: President Mnangagwa Sparks Development Enthusiasm on National Youth Day!


Youth have been urged to actively contribute to the nation’s development and drive the overarching developmental agenda.

In a compelling address to a gathering of thousands at the Mushagashe Vocational Training Centre in Masvingo yesterday, President Emerson Mnangagwa issued a stirring challenge to the youth of Zimbabwe, both domestically and abroad. Encouraging them to emulate the spirit of their liberators and leaders from the past.

The occasion marked National Youth Day on February 21, a significant national holiday designed for youth engagement with leadership to ensure the enduring values that underpin Zimbabwe’s history of freedom, democracy, and independence are passed on to future generations. Notably, this date also commemorates the birthday of Zimbabwe’s founding father, the late former President Robert Gabriel Mugabe.

Under the theme “Positioning Youth Empowerment and Development towards Achieving Vision 2030,” the celebrations underscored the pivotal role the youth play in advancing the nation’s aspirations for sustainable growth and progress.

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Zimbabwe, boasting a youthful population, sees approximately 67.7% of its 13 million total population under the age of 35.

The country’s annual population growth rate, ranging from 2.4% to 3%, projects a population of 23 million by 2030. The relatively high fertility rate, at 3.63 children per woman, contributes to this youthful demographic, maintaining a median age of 18.7 years old.

While this youth bulge presents opportunities, challenges persist. Issues such as drug and substance use, rising HIV infections among young women and girls, and ongoing migration are among the concerns that need focused attention for a balanced and prosperous future.


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