Home News Global Crackdown Targets Notorious Black Axe Syndicate.

Global Crackdown Targets Notorious Black Axe Syndicate.


Police forces across the globe have united in a series of covert operations, codenamed Operation Jackal III, to dismantle one of West Africa’s most feared criminal networks—Black Axe. The operation, coordinated by Interpol, led to raids in 21 countries between April and July 2024, resulting in the arrest of 300 individuals linked to Black Axe and affiliated groups.

Describing the mission as a “major blow” to the Nigerian crime syndicate, Interpol warned that Black Axe remains a global threat due to its sophisticated use of technology and extensive international reach. Despite the success, experts caution that the group’s resilience and adaptability, particularly in cyber-enabled financial fraud, continue to pose significant challenges.

Black Axe, known for its violent tactics and multi-million-dollar online scams, has been a persistent menace. In one infamous case, Canadian authorities uncovered a money-laundering scheme linked to the group worth over $5 billion in 2017.

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Operation Jackal III, which had been years in the making, led to the seizure of $3 million in illegal assets and the freezing of over 700 bank accounts. Despite these successes, experts like Dr. Oluwole Ojewale, West Africa Regional Coordinator from the Institute for Security Studies, stress the need for preventive measures to address the root causes of these syndicates, particularly in regions like Nigeria, where poverty and corruption fuel their growth.

Interpol continues to build a vast intelligence database, sharing crucial information with its 196 member countries. However, challenges remain, especially in combating the group’s technological innovations, including the use of cryptocurrency for money laundering. In response, Interpol has deployed new tools, such as the Global Rapid Intervention of Payments system (I-GRIP), which recently halted a $40 million scam targeting a Singaporean business.

As the fight against Black Axe intensifies, law enforcement agencies around the world remain vigilant, recognizing that the battle against this global criminal empire is far from over.


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