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Coronavirus Watch.


Global Statistics

CountryTotal CasesNew CasesTotal DeathsNew DeathsTotal Recovered
USA1,010,507+23,196 56,803+1,384139,162
South Africa4,793+24790+31,473
Zambia88 3 42
Mozambique76   12
Eswatini65+61 10
Zimbabwe32 4 5
Botswana22 1  

The total number of cases with Covid-19 have now surpassed the 3 million mark and they stand at 3,064,895 with the USA having one third of the cases with 1,010,507. 

South Africa witnessed a 247 increase to bring the total number of cases to 4,793. 3 new deaths were recorded and the total number of recoveries is 1,473.

Eswatini recorded an increase in new cases by 6 and 10 cases have recovered. 

Zimbabwe recorded one more case of Covid-19 cases with the death toll remaining unchanged and 5 recoveries.

Statistics from Mozambique and Zambia remain unchanged. 

Rare syndrome seen in UK children

NHS doctors have been warned to look out for a rare but dangerous reaction in children that may be linked to coronavirus infection. An urgent alert sent out to GPs said that intensive care departments in London and other parts of the UK have been treating severely sick children with unusual symptoms.

They had similar features to toxic shock syndrome, which can include a high temperature, low blood pressure, a rash and difficulty breathing. But experts stress that very few children become severely ill with coronavirus – evidence from around the world suggests they are the population least affected by the disease.

Health & Wellness

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence 

3 tips to enhance your emotional intelligence during lockdown:1. Use the Clear Glass Concept• Talking about your emotions can be hard, especially during a crisis situation. Use the ‘clear glass concept’ to quickly communicate your emotional state to your co-workers and loved ones. A clear glass means you are calm and not feeling any extreme emotions.2. Feel your Feelings• The key to emotional intelligence is awareness. Keep internal tabs on your thoughts, feelings and moods. When sadness and fear overwhelm you, give yourself some time to experience those feelings. Setting a time aside in your day to read news is a good idea if you find yourself constantly fixating. Allow yourself to be afraid, but don’t let that fear get in your way.3. Extend Empathy• As you become more aware of your own emotions and experiences, you will become more aware of the emotions of those around you. This increased empathy is a huge benefit to your remote work practices.

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