Home News ZRP urges the public to exercise self control in disputes.

ZRP urges the public to exercise self control in disputes.


The Zimbabwe Republic Police is urging members of the public to restrain themselves when there is a misunderstanding and not resort to violence.

This follows a case of murder which occurred at Muhoni Mine Compound, Kadoma on the 29th of July.

In a statement, the ZRP said that the victim, a male adult was stabbed twice on the thigh with a knife and died upon admission at Kadoma General Hospital.

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The statement added that in a similar incident a day later at Sun Yet Sen, a male adult who had gone for a beer drink was assaulted with a wooden stick until he fell down unconscious after he had tried to stop an argument between his assailant and a resident at the homestead.

The man has since been admitted at Tselanyemba Hospital, in a critical condition.


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