Home News Superstition and Wealth-The Ginimbi Connection.

Superstition and Wealth-The Ginimbi Connection.


By Moses Charedzera

The death of socialite and businessman Genius ‘Ginimbi’ Kadungure has literally brought the country to a halt. All talk at home, at the workplaces and in the combis is about Ginimbi. His tragic death in an accident early Sunday morning has gripped the attention of the nation. Here is a well-known youthful super rich celebrity businessman who was a free spirit and partied hard to his death.

Ginimbi died after a horrific accident along Borrowdale road in Harare. The accident also claimed the lives of three others including video vixen Mitchelle ‘Moana’ Amuli.

Talk on his death has focused on a number of issues including conspiracy theories over his demise, his wild lifestyle, his “deal making” abilities and of course the source of his wealth.

Ginimbi was well known for flaunting his wealth and the most conspicuous of his earthly accumulations were his very expensive car collection featuring the latest Range Rovers, Lamborghinis, Rolls Royces and Bentleys among top range models.

Talk has now swinged to how he acquired his wealth with many suggesting that he was heavily involved in the occult while some say he dealt in drugs.

From office talk, and township rumblings the debate has swung more towards associating Ginimbi with the supernatural.

His manager Shaleen Nullens popularly known as Ms Shally has stepped in to refute allegations of dabbling with the occult by the late businessman.

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‘’It’s very unfortunate in our country Zimbabwe that people will say he was involved in the occult. l have been working with him, l know his downs and the way he was working,

‘’ If it really was the occult, with some of the downs we were going through we would not have been going through that. So, we would see the good side, the perfect side of Genius but we do not know that he was going through a lot of ups and downs,’’ she added.

The Ginimbi tragedy has opened debate on what kind of people we are as Zimbabweans. Very superstitious one could say. It can be argued that most Zimbabweans believe there are witches and evil powers can be harnessed to enrich oneself.

Whenever huge wealth is associated with someone, the first temptation is to think the occult is involved.

Youthful Zvishavane based businessman Banabasi Marambire has leapt to the defence of Ginimbi. He posted on his Facebook page: “If you become rich in Africa you are called names. You are even hated for your hardworking riches. Siyai Tinakirwe nemari dzedu.” (Allow us to enjoy our monies).

In Zimbabwe one’s wealth needs to be explained and I guess Ginimbi’s wealth couldn’t be neatly unpacked for the benefit of the public. People knew the man was filthy rich but his source of wealth remained obscure to the majority.

In a country in which the occult’s immanent presence is ubiquitous, and the battle between good and evil is a lived experience, it will take time to convince many that all those that travel the high road from rags to riches have made their monies puritanically without the aid of the forces of darkness.