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Coronavirus Watch


Global Statistics

Country Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths New Deaths Total Recovered Active Cases Total Tests
World 35,399,250 +249,546 1,041,824 +4,013 26,623,510 7,733,916  
USA 7,636,912 +34,066 214,611 +332 4,849,038 2,573,263 111,470,266
India 6,623,815 +74,767 102,714 +902 5,586,703 934,398 79,982,394
Brazil 4,915,289 +8,456 146,375 +364 4,263,208 505,706 17,900,000
Russia 1,215,001 +10,499                 21,358 +107 979,143 214,500 47,683,832
Colombia 855,052 +6,905 26,712 +156 761,674 66,666 3,894,289
Africa 1,522,928 +8,084 36,569 +170 1,260,391 225,968
South Africa 681,289 +1,573 16,976 +38 614,781 49,532 4,269,626
Morocco 133,272 +2,044 2,330 +37 111,036 19,906 2,711,203
Egypt 103,683 +108 5,981 +11 97,355 347 135,000
Ethiopia 78,819 +959 1,222 +8 33,060 44,537 1,301,570
Nigeria 59,345 +58 1,113 50,768 7,464 535,733
Zambia 15,052 +78 333 14,187 532 163,179
Namibia 11,626 +54 123 9,429 2,074 103,254
Mozambique 9,196 +147 66 +2 5,852 3,278 144,618
Zimbabwe 7,888 +3 228 6,359 1,301 160,162
Malawi 5,786 +3 179 4,541 1,066 54,351
Eswatini 5,569 +39 111 5,127 331 32,234
Botswana 3,172 16 710 2,446 184,076
Lesotho 1,683 +3 39 926 718 19,428

More than 35, 3 million people have been infected globally and more than 1,041,824 people have died.

At least nine US states have reported record increases in COVID-19 cases during the last seven days, mostly in the upper Midwest and West where colder weather is forcing people indoors. The US is reporting 42,600 new cases and 700 deaths on average each day, compared with 35,000 cases and 800 deaths in mid-September. Deaths are a lagging indicator and tend to rise several weeks after cases increase.

The United States, Brazil and India together account for nearly 45% of all COVID-19 deaths globally. Death rates in India, however, have been significantly lower than in those other two countries, raising questions about the accuracy of its data. India has, on average, less than one death from the disease for every 10,000 people while the United States and Brazil have seen six deaths per 10,000.

As Europe transitions from summer into fall, countries that claimed to have the coronavirus under control are once again seeing a surge in infections. The United Kingdom, which has the biggest death toll on the continent, reported 12,872 new Covid-19 cases on Saturday, more than double the country’s most recent seven-day rolling average, according to official figures.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) pointed out that other countries have been setting grim records as Europe’s death rate has been rising. In France, the national health agency recorded a daily record on Saturday, with 16,972 new Covid-19 cases in the past 24 hours, surpassing last week’s record of 16,096.

Having eased lockdown measures over the summer, many countries are now battling with how to keep cases down while still allowing their citizens some semblance of normality.

In South Africa, the cumulative number of cases stands at 681 289. The death toll has increased to 16 976 and the majority of the deaths are from Gauteng with 367 residents having succumbed to the disease. One is from the Western Cape. The total number of recoveries is now at 614 781 which is a 90.24% recovery rate.

Zimbabwe recorded 3 new cases to bring the total number of positive cases to 7,888; no new death was recorded. 6,359 cases have recovered which brings the recovery rate to 80.62%.

Loss of smell could be a ‘highly reliable indicator’ of Covid-19, research says

Loss of smell and taste are a strong sign that someone is infected with the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 — and in some cases it may occur without the other symptoms of cough or fever, according to new research published Thursday. The researchers, based in the United Kingdom, wrote in their study that people who lose either smell or taste should consider self-isolating, even if they have no other symptoms.

“Our findings show that loss of smell and taste is a highly reliable indicator that someone is likely to have Covid-19 and if we are to reduce the spread of this pandemic, it should now be considered by governments globally as a criterion for self-isolation, testing and contact tracing,” Rachel Batterham, of University College London and University College London Hospitals, who helped lead the study team, said in a news release on Thursday. CNN

Metal Prices Asia/Europe/NY market


GOLD 1892.40 1893.40 -6.40 1890.60 1894.40
SILVER 23.76 23.86 +0.07 23.71 23.88
PLATINUM 869.00 879.00 -3.00 868.00 881.00
PALLADIUM 2198.00 2348.00 -4.00 2198.00 2353.00
RHODIUM 11400.00 13400.00 0.00

 (Source: Kitco)


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