Home News Coronavirus Watch.

Coronavirus Watch.


Global Statistics

CountryTotal CasesNew CasesTotal DeathsNew DeathsTotal Recovered
South Africa4,220+26779+41,473
Zambia84+83 37
Mozambique65+19  12
Eswatini36+51 10
Zimbabwe29 4 2
Botswana22 1  

The number of cases worldwide is now at 2,831,454, with 105,616 new cases recorded yesterday. New deaths recorded yesterday were 6,174 and the 806, 894 cases have recovered worldwide. 

The death toll in the United States surpassed 51,000 amid more than 900 000 cases. But the number of daily deaths in New York has gone down, with the lowest deaths reported on Friday, the lowest since April 1.

The total number of cases in South Africa is now at 4,220 with 267 new cases recorded yesterday. 4 new deaths were recorded bringing the total number of deaths to 79. 

Mozambique recorded an increase by 19 cases to bring the total number of cases to 65.

Africa’s fight against the Coronavirus

Africa’s coronavirus cases have surged 43 percent in the past week but its countries are dangerously behind in the global race for scarce medical equipment. Ten nations have no ventilators at all. John Nkengasong, director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the continent is competing with the developed world in terms of obtaining supplies and equipment. “The very future of the continent will depend on how this matter is handled’.

Health & Wellness

The fake health advice you should ignore:• Eat garlic to prevent infection: The WHO (World Health Organization) says that while it is “a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties”, there’s no evidence that eating garlic can protect people from the new coronavirus.• Drinking water every 15 minutes: A “Japanese doctor” recommended drinking water every 15 minutes to flush out any virus that might have entered the mouth however, infections like coronaviruses enter the body via the respiratory tract when you breathe in. Some of them might go into your mouth, but even constantly drinking water isn’t going to prevent you from catching the virus.• Heat: There are lots of variations of the advice suggesting heat kills the virus, from recommending drinking hot water to taking hot baths, or using hairdryers. Flu virus doesn’t survive well outside the body during the summer, but no conclusion has been made on how heat impacts the new coronavirus.

Metal Prices Asia/Europe/NY markets

NB: Markets will open on Monday 27 April hence prices published on 24 April still stand. 



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