Home Health Environmental Health Technician Sounds Alarm on Cholera Crisis in Zvishavane Amidst Rising...

Environmental Health Technician Sounds Alarm on Cholera Crisis in Zvishavane Amidst Rising Cases


Amidst a concerning surge in cholera cases, Patrick Mavhusa, an Environmental Health Technician (EHT) based in Zvishavane has, shed light on the growing crisis. As reported yesterday by Great Dyke News, Zvishavane District has recorded twenty-five cases of cholera as of December 5, 2023, with nineteen individuals having recovered and four currently receiving treatment at the Zvishavane District Cholera Treatment Centre.Mavhusa emphasized a pressing concern: the prevalence of cholera within foreign-owned artisanal mines. He highlighted the substandard sanitation conditions in some of these mines, where access to clean and safe water for daily activities is absent or severely Expressing the gravity of the situation, Mavhusa underscored the urgent need to address cholera outbreaks in these mining areas. He noted that despite the challenges, the district health authorities are extending all possible assistance to these mines in a bid to curb the spread of the disease.

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