In an unexpected turn of events, residents of Zvishavane’s Hillview and Nil suburbs found themselves shaken to their core as loud and thunderous blasts reverberated through their peaceful communities last Sunday. The source of these unnerving explosions was traced back to a nearby Lithium storage facility, leaving residents on edge and seeking answers from the mining sector.
The unannounced blasts caught many residents off guard, sending shivers down their spines, as they feared for their safety and the well-being of their loved ones. According to anonymous accounts, the incident has exposed what they perceive as a troubling sense of lawlessness in the mining industry. One resident, a mother of three, recounted how her home trembled from the force of the blasts, leaving her and her family living in constant fear.
In light of the rising concerns, Great Dyke News reached out to the Ward 9 Councillor and Zvishavane Town Council Chairperson, Cllr Khulekani Ndlovu, to shed some light on the situation. Cllr Ndlovu assured the community that immediate action had been taken, engaging with the responsible company to address the pressing issue.
In a promising development, the company has agreed to adjust its operations, taking into account the well-being of the local residents, and ensuring that appropriate warnings are given before any future blasting activities.