Nyakwati Business Centre in Silobela was gripped by shock and horror as a fatal altercation unfolded on the evening of May 28, 2023. The police have confirmed a report of a murder and subsequently arrested a 21-year-old man in connection with the case, shedding light on the gruesome details surrounding the incident.
Speaking to Great Dyke News ZRP Midlands spokesperson Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko said the victim, identified as Khulani Ndebele (30), was enjoying an evening of socializing, accompanied by Parent Moyo and two other male acquaintances.
He indicated that eyewitnesses revealed that the evening started innocently enough, with the group indulging in beer and casual banter.
However, what began as a seemingly harmless gathering quickly took a dark turn when a misunderstanding erupted among the individuals, rapidly escalating into a heated fistfight.
He highlighted that in a shocking display of violence, the suspect and his cohorts allegedly overpowered Khulani Ndebele, subjecting him to a barrage of open-handed blows and strikes with sticks. As the altercation intensified, the assailants resorted to a deadly weapon, repeatedly stabbing the defenceless victim with a knife, causing grave injuries across his body.
The assailants callously abandoned Khulani Ndebele, lying unconscious and bleeding profusely on the ground, before fleeing the scene. The ZRP Silobela, promptly responding to the distress call, discovered the lifeless body upon their arrival. Khulani Ndebele’s remains were transported to the Kwekwe District Hospital Mortuary.
Inspector Mahoko said in a significant breakthrough for the investigation, one of the suspects, identified as Parent Moyo, was apprehended by law enforcement authorities.
Currently, in police custody, Moyo is expected to face charges related to the heinous crime that unfolded at Nyakwati Business Centre. The police now seek the public’s assistance in locating the remaining two suspects, whose identities are yet to be disclosed.
Individuals with any information pertaining to the case are urged to come forward and report to their nearest police station.