Home Health Fire Restriction Period Reminder: The Environmental Management Agency (EMA) reminds the public...

Fire Restriction Period Reminder: The Environmental Management Agency (EMA) reminds the public of the ongoing fire restriction period


Environmental Management Agency (EMA) has emphasized the importance of adhering to the ongoing fire restriction period. It has underscored that this period commenced on July 31, 2023, and will remain in effect until November 30, 2023. It cautions that initiating fires outside of residential or commercial premises during this period is a serious offense and will be subject to legal consequences.
In an interview with Great Dyke News, Oswald Ndlovu, the Environmental and Education Publicity Officer at the Environmental Management Agency (EMA), highlighted EMA’s collaboration with other law enforcement agencies to maintain a heightened state of vigilance.
Mr. Ndlovu urged community members to unite in reporting offenders to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.


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