Home Crime and Courts Heartbreaking Eviction In Zvishavane : Mother and Four Children Left Homeless Amidst...

Heartbreaking Eviction In Zvishavane : Mother and Four Children Left Homeless Amidst Alleged Property Betrayal


In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Rumbidzai Mufambi, an industrious informal trader, and her four children were forcibly evicted from their residence yesterday morning, following a tumultuous sequence of alleged property sales by her estranged husband, Richard Zigambu.

Speaking to Great Dyke News, Mufambi said the eviction unfolded amid a cascade of distressing events that began when Richard, married to Rumbidzai under CHAPTER 5:11 MARRIAGE ACT, separated from the family in 2020, opting to reside with another woman. Reports emerged indicating Richard’s sale of two valuable stands—one in Gweru and another in Kwekwe—as he purportedly attempted to evade mounting debts.

She said the situation escalated when Rumbidzai discovered, to her shock and dismay, that their Platinum Park house, for which she diligently maintained a US$36,000 mortgage, had been sold without her knowledge or consent.

She also said despite not receiving an eviction notice herself, it appears that the notice was allegedly served to Richard at a different location. Yesterday morning, amidst rainy conditions, the family faced the traumatic reality of being evicted from the home where Rumbidzai and Richard’s children had resided. With nowhere to turn, Rumbidzai and her children were left without shelter, their immediate future plunged into uncertainty.

Expressing profound distress, Rumbidzai conveyed a sense of abandonment not only by her estranged husband but also by the legal system, which, in her view, has failed to protect her and her children from this distressing ordeal.


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