Home News Manhize Set to Become Industrial Hub as Dinson Iron and Steel Seeks...

Manhize Set to Become Industrial Hub as Dinson Iron and Steel Seeks Special Economic Zone Status.


Dinson Iron and Steel Company says it is in the final stages of securing a special economic zone (SEZ) license for its Manhize operations, which is expected to transform the area into a key industrial hub.

The companyā€™s Public Relations Manager, Joseph Shoko, revealed that the application is being processed through the Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency (ZIDA), with the certificate expected to be issued soon.

ā€œWe are in the process of acquiring a license so that it becomes a special economic zone,ā€ said Shoko. ā€œWe have fulfilled all the requirements, and soon the ZIDA certificate will be out.ā€

Shoko explained that the SEZ designation will attract more industries to set up in Manhize, aligning with the company’s vision of developing an industrial park.

ā€œThe special economic certificate is very important for attracting more industrialists. The intention is to create an industrial park where we welcome many industries to join us,ā€ he said. ā€œAt that stage, we will invite partners for various industrial projects.ā€

Once granted, the SEZ status will offer several benefits, including tax incentives and reduced regulatory bottlenecks, to encourage investment and industrial development.

Dinson Iron and Steel’s ambitious plan to establish Manhize as a hub of industrialization could significantly enhance Zimbabweā€™s manufacturing sector and create new opportunities for partnerships in various industrial venture


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