The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has confirmed the arrest of six individuals involved in a cattle theft incident at Plot 8, Chikanga Farm, Chegutu. The theft occurred during the night of January 2, 2025, with four cattle stolen from the farm.
The suspects, identified as Owen Tinashe Mandizvidza Mutungamiri (25), Philip Chirasasa (28), Lloyd Chirasasa (44), David Chirasasa (28), Peter Chirasasa (32), and Abel Chirasasa (30), were apprehended by police on January 3, 2025, following a tip-off. According to authorities, the suspects were traveling in a Toyota Noah vehicle (registration number ADP 440) along the Harare-Bulawayo Road when they were intercepted by alert members of the local community who had spotted them while the suspects were deboning the stolen cattle.
Acting on the information, police set up a roadblock, leading to the successful arrest of the group. During the operation, law enforcement recovered four deboned cattle carcasses, 25 kitchen knives, and 25 sacks.
The arrests have brought an end to the criminal operation, and investigations are ongoing as authorities work to uncover further details of the theft. The ZRP has commended the cooperation of the community in helping to prevent the crime from escalating.