Home Mining Zimbabwe To Export Electricity By 2024:Chitando.

Zimbabwe To Export Electricity By 2024:Chitando.


Minister of Mines and Mining Development Winston Chitando has revealed that they have come up with an energy development programme that will see Zimbabwe exporting electricity by 2024.

Speaking during the launch of a strategic road map to US $12 billion mining industry by 2023, Chitando said another objective is for Zimbabwe to be fuel sufficient by 2030.

“The development of (Coal Bed Methane) CBM and oil deposits will be spurred up and the first CBM electricity power station should be operational by 2021 at a capacity of 200 megawatts and a CBM oil strategy will be unveiled by mid of next year.

“The whole thrust is the development of that sector to provide energy for the country,

“We have come up with a milestone to achieve 12 billion by 2023, and that milestone is in the process of being achieved.

“In tandem with that is the energy development programme that will see Zimbabwe exporting electricity by 2024. The other objective is that Zimbabwe will be fuel sufficient by 2030,” he said.

He added that currently there is work in progress on the establishment of over 2000 megawatts by 2023.

“At the moment there is work in progress on the establishment of over 2000 megawatts by 2023 and right now the country needs about 1900 plus or minus megawatts.

“I am also pleased to say that the mining companies have solar projects currently in place which will produce over 600 megawatts of power and that will see Zimbabwe exporting electricity by 2024,” added Chitando.


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