Home Mining Chinese Mining Company Fires Four Drivers for Complying With VID.

Chinese Mining Company Fires Four Drivers for Complying With VID.


By Belinda Sibanda

A Shurugwi based Chinese Chrome Company Afrochine has allegedly dismissed four of its drivers for allegedly complying with Vehicle Inspection DepartmentĀ (VID)Ā officials instruction to stop their four-truck convoy for inspection along the Gweru-ShurugwiĀ highway.Ā 

Speaking to Great Dyke News 24, one of the drivers who did not disclose his name for security reasons said that they were stopped by the VIDĀ  officials who penalisedĀ the mining company for overloading the trucksĀ and denied them permission to proceed before the matter was resolved.

According to the driver, this did not go well with the mining authorities who responded by firing all of the four drivers.

One company official,Ā  Pai Pengfei, however, dismissed the allegations saying it was a minor misunderstanding between the company and the four employees, saying they have resolved the matter and they have allowed the employees to resume work next week.Ā 

The driver, however, claimed that there was dishonesty in the statement by Pai Pengfei saying they have fears they won’t get back their jobs as they have monthly contracts which won’t be renewed.

A local traditional leader was recently bashed by a Chinese national after reportedly approaching management at a tile manufacturing factory in Norton seeking jobs for his subjects.

Chinese mining companies have been singled out among others with unfair labor practices including denying employees working contracts, paying employees below the required National Employment Council standards with extended working hours as well as failure to provide adequate safety clothing and equipment for employees.Ā Ā 


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