Home Agriculture Department of Social Development Targets 90,000 Beneficiaries in Kwekwe and Redcliff.

Department of Social Development Targets 90,000 Beneficiaries in Kwekwe and Redcliff.


The Department of Social Development aims to reach nearly 90,000 beneficiaries through its food deficit mitigation programme in Kwekwe and Redcliff.

Samantha Matina, the Kwekwe District Social Development Officer, confirmed that beneficiary registration in the district has been completed.

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Zimbabwe is grappling with a severe drought exacerbated by the El Niño weather pattern, resulting in significant food insecurity. Approximately 7.6 million people are at risk of acute hunger, prompting President Emmerson Mnangagwa to declare the situation a national disaster.

The drought devastated agriculture, halving the maize crop and driving up food prices.


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