In a deeply unfortunate turn of events, the Zimbabwe Republic Police has confirmed the sudden and tragic deaths of two brothers and a rescuer who succumbed to suffocation in a mine shaft during a mining operation in Mberengwa.
In a statement the ZRP said this incident unfolded during the early hours of September 5th, 2023, at Peak Mine in Mberengwa.
The victims have been identified as Thamsanqa Zondo (30), his younger brother Dumisani Zondo, (23), both from Village Madumezwe under Chief Mapiravana, and Cornelius Hove, (23).
According to preliminary reports, Thamsanqa Zondo was lowered into a mine shaft that reached a depth of 40 meters. However, once underground, he raised an alarm, desperately seeking assistance. In response, Cornelius Hove was lowered into the same shaft to investigate the situation. Tragically, he too encountered severe difficulties in breathing before reaching the underground depths and signaled to be brought back to the surface.
Later that fateful night, Dumisani Zondo, deeply concerned for his brother’s safety, bravely ventured into the mine shaft in an attempt to rescue him. Regrettably, Dumisani did not return to the surface. This alarming development prompted Cornelius Hove to alert fellow miners, who swiftly formed a rescue team and undertook the grim task of retrieving the lifeless bodies of the two brothers from the unforgiving depths of the mine shaft.
Authorities strongly advise members of the public involved or interested in mining activities to seek guidance and adhere to safety protocols and legal requirements provided by the Ministry of Mines to ensure the safety and well-being of all those engaged in mining operations.