Public schools across the country are set to reopen on the 28th of September 2020, following a six-month hiatus.
Teacher representative unions, have warned that teachers may fail to report for duty for examination class reopening because the salaries they have received are not enough to cater for travel expenses.
In a telephone interview with Great Dyke News reporter Anesu Munyoro Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe President Takavafira Zhou said two matters need to be addressed before teachers leave their home and report for duty.
The country’s biggest union, the Zimbabwe Teachers Association (ZIMTA) this week declared that teachers are incapacitated, a week ahead of the reopening of schools arguing that its members are earning a paltry US$1 a day.
According to ZIMTA, teachers will be unable to attend classes or invigilate examinations because they cannot afford to meet their basic needs.
The teachers are demanding a salary equivalent to US$520 per month.