Home News 10 TIPS to Improve Mining Health & Safety.

10 TIPS to Improve Mining Health & Safety.


Every workplace has some types of health and safety hazards that people need to be aware of. When it comes to the mining industry, however, there are significantly more hazards than in other industries.

 To make matters worse, the hazards in this industry are often far more dangerous than they are in most other workplaces. This is why it is so important for all mining entities to take their workplace safety very seriously.

The following 10 mining health and safety tips will help you to identify risks and take steps to address them as soon as possible.

Tip 1 – Respiratory Protection

When working in or near mines, it is critical to take care of your lungs due to the dust and debris in the air. In order to keep your lungs healthy, everyone that is working in a mine should make sure they are using proper respiratory protection.

 In some cases, this may proper (and provided) respiratory protection simply be a face mask that will keep any dust out of your lungs. In others, you’ll need to wear more advanced protection.

In some cases, this may proper (and provided) respiratory protection simply be a face mask that will keep any dust out of your lungs. In others, you’ll need to wear more advanced protection.

Tip 2 – Hazard Communication

When there is a hazard in an area, it is essential that people know about it. In order to ensure everyone is aware of any potential danger, the mining company should focus on improving hazard communication throughout the workplace. Visual hazard communication would include things like hazard signs, safety labels and much more. The idea is to always make it as easy as possible for people to be aware of any potential danger.

Tip 3 – Changing Workplace Awareness

Unlike many workplaces, the actual mine that people are working in will be constantly changing. As the miners work, the tunnels may change and even the requirements for structural integrity can be shifted. Keeping everyone aware of what changes are being made is absolutely essential.

Tip 4 – Explosive Safety

 Every mining company should have detailed safety policies in place when it comes to how explosives are handled, stored and used. There should never be any situation where people decide to go around the safety regulations because even a small mistake can lead to serious injuries, cave-ins or even fatalities.

Tip 5 – Fall Protection Depending on the type of mine, there are likely to be a variety of different fall hazards that are present. This could include falling down a mining shaft or even just slipping down a steep side of a hill or mountain. Whenever working in a location where falling is a possibility, make sure that the proper safety equipment is in place.

Tip 6 – Electrical Safety Most mining environments have many different pieces of electrical equipment that are used on a regular basis. You should always have policies in place about how and when extension and other electrical cords should be used so people are aware of them and can take the proper electrical safety precautions.

Tip 7 – Fire Safety

Another major safety issue with mining is that of fires. There are many potential sources for fire, so you need to do all you can to minimize this risk. It is even more important to take fire safety seriously. Watching out for fire hazards at all times is a key component of the overall mining health and safety programme.

Tip 8 – Cave-Ins or Collapses

When working in or around mines there are two primary things to be concerned about. The first is a cave-in. This occurs when rocks or other debris become unstable and fall into the mine. When this occurs miners can get crushed by the debris, or trapped deep within the mine. The other issue, which can be directly related, is a collapse.

This occurs when the ground around the mine is not properly supported, and it collapses in. This can be especially dangerous when driving heavy equipment over areas where there are tunnels deep below. Geologists, miners and other experts should inspect mining areas and structural support used where necessary.

Tip 9 – Vehicle Hazards

 Most mining sites will have many different vehicles that are used throughout the area. Most of these large vehicles often don’t have the best visibility, which can make it very dangerous for those working around them. Taking the time to identify specific areas where these vehicles should be traveling and making sure that people don’t walk in those areas, can help to keep people safe. A well planned out vehicle traffic area should be an essential component of any mining health and safety strategy.

Tip 10 – Lifting Hazards

 Those working in mines should know how to properly lift things to avoid leg and back injuries, and how to determine when it is best to ask for help or get some type of lifting equipment to help. Related to this, miners need to know how to carry these items safely so they don’t trip and fall or run into other people in the area.

For more information download our Miners and Suppliers Handbook below.


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