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Coronavirus Watch


Global Statistics

World 12,155,602 +213,279 551,192 +5,518 7,025,276 4,579,134
USA 3,158,932 +61,848 134,862 +890 1,392,679 1,631,391
Brazil 1,716,196 +41,541 68,055 +1,187 1,117,922 530,219
India 769,052 +25,571 21,144 +491 476,554 271,354
Russia 700,792 +6,562 10,667 +173 472,511 217,614
Peru 312,911 +3,633 11,133 +181 204,748 97,030
South Africa 224,665 +8,810 3,602 +100 106,842 114,221
Egypt 78,304 +1,025 3,564 +75 22,241 52,499
Nigeria 30,249 +460 684 +15 12,373 17,192
Ghana 22,822 +854 129 17,564 5,129
Algeria 17,348 +469 978 +10 12,329 4,041
Zambia 1,895 42 1,348 505
Malawi 1,864 +46 24 +5 345 1,495
Mozambique 1,071 +31 8 337 726
Eswatini 1,138 +82 14 588 536
Botswana 314 1 31 282
Lesotho 91 11 80
Zimbabwe 885 +98 9 206 670

More than 12 million people around the world have been diagnosed with the coronavirus disease and 548,896 have died. About 6.5 million patients have recovered. The United States and Brazil have reported the most cases and the highest death tolls to date.

At least two dozen US states have paused or rolled back reopening plans as coronavirus cases in the country surge past 3 million. The Trump administration notified Congress and the United Nations that the United States is formally withdrawing from the World Health Organization.

Coronavirus cases in Brazil surpassed 1.7 million. Meanwhile, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who tested positive for coronavirus, vetoed Covid-19 protections for indigenous people.

Germany’s confirmed coronavirus cases rise 442 to 197,783. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Germany rose 442 to 197,783, and 12 new deaths pushing the death toll to 9,048.

Mexico’s infections has reached 275,003 cases and almost 33,000 . New coronavirus cases reported on a single day, with 6,995 infections, overtaking Spain to register the world’s eighth highest case count, according to a Reuters news agency tally.

Chile will begin easing lockdown measures in two southern regions on Monday with 800,000 people being able to resume some of their activities and those over age 75 able to go out once a day. Restaurants, cinemas, theatres and cafes will be allowed to open at 25 percent capacity. Sporting activities can be carried out without an audience and can include up to 10 people in enclosed spaces and 50 in the open.

The number of people with confirmed infections of the new coronavirus surpassed 300,000 in the South American country, the sixth-highest figure in the world.

Africa now has more than a half-million confirmed coronavirus cases. The continent-wide total is now over 525,892 after South Africa recorded another day of more than 10,000 confirmed cases as a new global hot spot.

South Africa has temporarily closed its component of Beitbridge Border Post  after one of its customs officers tested positive for the novel coronavirus (covid19).

According to border officials, the border was closed to allow health authorities to carry out fumigations to minimize chances of having more infections.

Presently the South Africans are busy clearing commercial traffic, which is within their customs yard pending further action.

They have stopped accepting trucks from either side of the border until the fumigation is done. The South African Revenue Services (SARS) has since sent a notice to inter border agencies in Zimbabwe advising them of the latest development.

A health official in South Africa’s new coronavirus hot spot of Gauteng province says authorities are preparing over 1.5 million gravesites as confirmed cases rise.

The number of confirmed virus cases in Gauteng is now over 71,000, or 33 percent of South Africa’s cases. The country has 224,665 confirmed cases and newly reported cases are 8,810. Total recoveries of 106,842 and 3,602 total death.

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Nigeria’s confirmed coronavirus cases passed 30,000 on Wednesday, the country’s disease control centre said, as the virus spreads in Africa’s most populous country amid an easing of restrictions put in place to curb the disease.There are 460 new cases taking the total number of recorded cases to 30,249. NCDC said these had led to 684 deaths.

Zimbabwe now has 885 confirmed cases, 206 recoveries and 9 deaths.

MSF warns of consequences after US withdrawal from WHO.

The Trump administration’s decision to withdraw US membership from the World Health Organization (WHO) could have life-threatening consequences for people around the globe, said the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders, or MSF.

“The WHO, while in need of reforms, plays a vital role in coordinating global medical research, producing evidence-based guidelines, and supporting national governments to respond to urgent public health crises,” MSF said in a statement late on Thursday.

“The COVID-19 global pandemic is certainly no time to walk away from this global health agency, of which the US is a founding member,” it added.

China seeks joint COVID-19 research.

The Chinese government has announced that it is seeking international cooperation to conduct research projects on drugs, vaccines, test kits, and even traditional Chinese medicine to fight the coronavirus.

In a statement issued on Thursday, The science and technology ministry said the aim of the programme is to test and develop new technologies to quickly detect and cure the disease.

Research on vaccine that have completed Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials will get priority support, according to the statement.

With most of the 84,900 cases in the country already cured, China has trained its sight on strengthening and expanding its influence abroad, extending assistance to countries that are struggling to contain the deadly pandemic.

Metal Prices Asia/Europe/NY markets.


Metals Bid Ask Change Low High
GOLD 1809.10 1810.10 +14.20 1800.20 1819.10
SILVER 18.73 18.83 +0.46 18.38 18.89
PLATINUM 847.00 857.00 +14.00 839.00 868.00
PALLADIUM 1854.00 1979.00 -3.00 1841.00 2015.00
RHODIUM 6500.00 8500.00 0.00


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