Home News Govt To Pay US$500 For Civil Servant Funeral Cover.

Govt To Pay US$500 For Civil Servant Funeral Cover.


The government says it will with immediate effect pay US$500 in funeral assistance to the bereaved family of any civil servant who passes away.

According to the ministry of Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Permanent  Secretary Nick Mangwana, the money will be paid to a surviving spouse, adult children or agreed dependent.

“Starting immediately, Government will pay an equivalent US500 in funeral assistance for any civil servant who passes away,” Mangwana wrote on his twitter account.

He added: “This is regardless of any funeral policy the member may have.”

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Government recently announced that the lowest paid civil servant will get Z$11,350 (US$151) per month at a time more than 100,000 teachers are currently boycotting classes demanding salaries of up to US$520.


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