Home Agriculture Agric Sector To Get 30 000 Tonne Fertiliser Boost.

Agric Sector To Get 30 000 Tonne Fertiliser Boost.


The Industry and Commerce ministry says Zimbabwe`s sole nitrogenous fertiliser manufacturer has started production of 30 000 tons of Ammonium Nitrate fertiliser under a contract it made with the government.

Speaking recently Industry Minister Sekai Nzenza revealed that the Kwekwe based Sable Chemicals is expected to supply 30 000 tons of ammonium nitrate fertiliser for the 2020/2021 farming season.

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The production target is part of the company’s plans to expand and become a big agro-processor according to the company’s board Chairman Shingai Mutasa.

The company has the capacity to produce 240 000 tons of ammonium nitrate per year, and is currently seeking to raise $25 million to ramp up production to over 100 000 tons in three years.


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