Home News Chegutu Gold Rush Contained As Govt Deploys Heavy Security.

Chegutu Gold Rush Contained As Govt Deploys Heavy Security.


Chegutu Miners Association has revealed that the gold rush which happened at a David Whitehead Textile company dumpsite in the mining town is now contained due to the heavy security deployment done after a 4-hour Joint Operations Command closed-door meeting.

According to the Chegutu Miners Association chairperson Innocent Nicks, for the past few days, the situation was bad for the Chegutu miners, gold buyers, millers, and residents who were living in fear of the violent artisanal miners notoriously known as Mashurugwi who invaded the place.

Ā ā€œ The situation and area is now calm due to the heavy security deployment done after a 4-hour JOC closed-door meeting,ā€ said Nicks.

Ā ā€œThe situation in Chegutu for the past 5 days was bad for miners, gold buyers, millers, and the general Chegutu residents.ā€

ā€œThe machete-wielding men from Kadoma, Kwekwe, Gokwe and their recruits in Chegutu were pouncing on everyone whom they suspect to have valuables including gold, money, cellphones, etc.ā€

ā€œThey attacked people at a David Whitehead Textile company dumpsite and seriously injured several people who were rushed to Chegutu hospital for treatment,ā€ said Nicks.

Concern has been raised over the activities of the violent artisanal miners who track rich gold finds across the country but resort to barbaric violence using an assortment of deadly weapons including machetes against other artisanal miners and people from surrounding communities.


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