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Coronavirus Watch


Global Statistics

Country Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths New Deaths Total Recovered Active Cases Total Tests
World 12,844,410 +214,741 567,657 +4,996 7,479,527 4,797,226
USA 3,355,646 +61,719 137,403 +732 1,490,446 1,727,797 41,770,336
Brazil 1,840,812 +36,474 71,492 +968 1,213,512 555,808 4,572,796
India 850,358 +27,755 22,687 +543 536,231 291,440 11,307,002
Russia 720,547 +6,611 11,205 +188 497,446 211,896 22,708,416
Peru 322,710 +3,064 11,682 +182 214,152 96,876 1,904,242
Africa 581,595 +18,867 13,029 +220 287,924 280,642
South Africa 264,184 +13,497 3,971 +111 127,715 132,498 2,108,570
Egypt 81,158 +923 3,769 +67 23,876 53,513 135,000
Nigeria 31,987 +664 724 +15 13,103 18,160 178,265
Ghana 24,248 +414 135 19,831 4,282 327,009
Algeria 18,712 +470 1,004 +8 13,124 4,584
Malawi 2,261 +192 33 +2 517 1,711 18,814
Zambia 1,895 42 1,348 505 56,825
Eswatini 1,311 +54 18 656 637 14,247
Mozambique 1,135 +24 9 349 777 39,091
Zimbabwe 982 +40 18 +5 320 644 88,436
Botswana 314 1 31 282 47,860
Lesotho 184 1 26 157 5,206

The pandemic has killed at least 567,657people worldwide since it surfaced in China late last year. More than 12.7 million people around the world have been diagnosed with COVID-19. The global total is 12,844,410 and the United States is the hardest-hit country with 3,355,646 and137,403 deaths.

Brazil, the world’s number-two coronavirus hot spot after the United States, has recorded 968 new deaths from the outbreak, pushing its death toll to 71,492, with a total of 1,840,812 confirmed cases.

Russia has the fourth highest number of confirmed cases in the world with 720,547 after 6,611 new cases were recorded.

The number of confirmed in Africa is 581,595 as it recorded the highest daily 24 hour increase of 18,867. Of the 18,867 new cases, 13,497 were from South Africa.

The latest number of confirmed cases is 264 184 as 3 497 new cases bring the country’s total number of coronavirus cases to 264 184. The number of recoveries is 127 715, which translates to a recovery rate of 48, 4%.More than a third of cases are in new hot spot of Gauteng province, which includes Johannesburg and capital, Pretoria.

Zimbabwe recorded 5 new deaths, the highest number of deaths reported since the virus began, to bring the total number of deaths to 18.  A total of 40 new cases were recorded to bring the total number of confirmed cases to 982.644cases are still active and the number of recoveries is at 320.

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Statistics in Zambia and Botswana remain unchanged.

What to do when are you a ‘close contact’ of someone who is Covid-19 positive.

As positive ovid-19 cases continue to spread through society, more and more people want to know what deems one a “close contact” when someone they know has tested positive. And what do you do when you aren’t quite a “close contact”, but are still concerned about exposure or vulnerability?

  • One must contact previous contacts from three days prior to when one experienced the first symptoms.
  • ‘Close contacts’ must self-quarantine. This means that you must stay at home and not come into contact with other people. Close contacts of a person who has tested positive must self-quarantine for a period of 14 days.
  • If they are not able to quarantine safely at home, isolation and quarantine facilities are available and those seeking to make use of them can call the Covid-19 hotline.

One is a casual contact if a) you have had less than 15 minutes face-to-face contact in any setting with a confirmed case in the 24 hours period before the onset of their symptoms; Or b) one has shared a closed space with a confirmed case for less than two hours in the 24-hour period before the onset of their symptoms (but did not breach one meters, and did not have any face-to-face contact time).”-News 24

Metal Prices Asia/Europe/NY markets


GOLD 1797.10 1798.10 -5.30 1796.10 1802.50
SILVER 18.59 18.69 -0.05 18.47 18.78
PLATINUM 816.00 825.00 -3.00 815.00 830.00
PALLADIUM 1880.00 2003.00 -4.00 1878.0 2011.00
RHODIUM 6500.00 8500.00 0.00


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