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Coronavirus Watch.


Global Statistics

CountryTotal CasesNew CasesTotal DeathsNew DeathsTotal Recovered
World2,248,863+86,496154,145+8,672 ​571,573
South Africa2,783+178502903
Zambia52+42 ​ 30
Mozambique34+3  2
Zimbabwe24 3 2
Eswatini16 1 8
Botswana15 1  

Total cases of the Covid-19 pandemic now stand at 2,248,863and the death toll stands at 154,145. There were 86,496 new cases recorded globally and 8,672 new deaths. 

South Africa recorded a 178 jump in the number of new cases bringing the total number of cases to 2,783 and the death toll is now at 50. 

Zambia has a total of 52 cases with 4 new cases recorded yesterday. 

Statistics from Zimbabwe, Eswatini and Botswana remain unchanged. 

Africa could be next epicenter, WHO warns

UN officials also say it is likely the pandemic will kill at least 300,000 people in Africa and push nearly 30 million into poverty. The past week in Africa has seen a sharp rise in coronavirus cases. There have been almost 1,000 deaths and almost 19,000 infections across Africa, so far much lower rates than in parts of Europe and the US.

False claims about the BCG vaccine

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WhatsApp messages claiming the BCG vaccine prevents coronavirus infection are inaccurate. World Health Organization says there is no evidence that the BCG protects people from Covid-19 infection.

Covid-19 patients recovering quickly after getting experimental drug remdesivir

Covid-19 patients who are getting an experimental drug called remdesivir have been recovering quickly, with most going home in days, STAT News reported Thursday after it obtained a video of a conversation about the trial.

Health and Wellness Tip of the Day• Stress and anxiety, especially during these uncertain times, may cause tension headaches. Make a conscious effort to relax your shoulders and neck and to unclench your jaw. Put at least 15 minutes a day aside just to focus on relaxation.

Metal Prices Asia/Europe/NY markets

NB: Prices from the 17th of April 2020 still stand as markets will open on the 20th of April 2020.  



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