Renowned radio presenter Tendai Nyasuwa, known by his on-air moniker Dr T, and affiliated with YAFM, underwent a successful surgical procedure for a singerās nodule, at the UBH (Arundel Hospital) in Bulawayo.
In an exclusive interview with Great Dyke News Dr T disclosed his admission to the medical facility, followed by his subsequent operation. He said the procedure, executed by Dr. Kutsukudza, resulted in the successful removal of a benign laryngeal polyp, commonly referred to as a singerās nodule. This growth had been obstructing his vocal cords, impeding the natural resonance of his voiceāa condition attributed to vocal overuse.
Acknowledging his return to the studios of YAFM, Dr T expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the collective efforts of those who provided assistance during his health journey. He also extended appreciation to those who offered prayers for his well-being both pre- and post-surgery.