Home Crime and Courts Female Security Guard Arrested For Tempering With Pupils Private Parts.

Female Security Guard Arrested For Tempering With Pupils Private Parts.


A  Zvishavane based Gresham Primary School female security guard was sentenced to twelve months in prison for tempering  with grade seven pupils’ private parts by pulling down their labia using clothing pegs.

She was however lucky as she will will do community service instead of going to prison.

Prosecutor Taurai Muzvimwe told the court that on  March 12, 2019 Choice Muzeti aged 26 a security guard at Gresham Primary School in Zvishavane was on duty at the school and took three Grade 7 pupils to the toilets at different times where she instructed them to remove their underwear and used pegs to pull their labia.

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The matter came to light on March 28 when one of the pupils reported to her parents and a police report was made leading to her arrest.

In her defence Muzeti said she wanted the girls to be good in bed for their future husbands to curb prostitution.

Resident Magistrate Shepherd Munjanja found Muzeti guilty as accused and sentenced her to 12 month in prison with 3 months suspended on condition she does not commit a similar crime in the next 5 years and another 9 months on condition she does 315hrs of community service at Jairos Jiri Old People’s Home.


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