In a disheartening turn of events, an audacious fraudster has been wreaking havoc within the community, targeting unsuspecting citizens and businesspeople through deceptive practices. Operating under the guise of “Wonder Chakanetsa Chitau” and claiming to reside at 745 Nyamhunga 2, Kariba, this cunning individual has been orchestrating a series of fraudulent activities using the popular messaging platform, WhatsApp, and various money transfer platforms.
The modus operandi of this “fish fraudster” involves luring victims through enticing advertisements and group messages on WhatsApp, offering to deliver fish to locations such as Zvishavane. However, the catch lies in the condition that payment must be made in advance. Once the unsuspecting victims transfer the requested funds, they find themselves blocked and unable to contact the fraudster ever again.
Ya FM’s investigative team has delved into this disturbing matter, uncovering tales of deceit and financial losses. One victim, a local business’s general manager who prefers to remain anonymous, fell victim to the fraudster and lost over US$500 after placing an order for fish. The helpless victim now finds himself blocked, with little recourse for recovering the funds.
Meanwhile, in Harare, the fraudster duped two siblings out of US$30 for yet another fish order, leaving them in a state of disbelief and financial strain.
During our investigation, Ya FM approached the suspect, posing as potential customers, and discovered that he was more than willing to engage in further fraudulent transactions, providing payment details without hesitation.
This appalling situation has not gone unnoticed, as victims have reported the incidents to the police. The matter is currently under investigation by the police, who are working to bring this fraudster to justice. We urge anyone with information about this threat to human and business interactions to come forward and report it to the nearest police station.
Cooperation from the public is essential in apprehending this fraudster and preventing further victims from falling prey to his deceptive tactics.
As Ya FM continues to monitor this ongoing investigation, we remain committed to providing updates on any significant developments. It is our shared responsibility to raise awareness, protect one another, and ensure a safer and more secure community.