Home Mining Govt sets provincial mining committees.

Govt sets provincial mining committees.


CABINET has approved the setting up of provincial mining committees that will be constituted by provincial heads of Government and departments as the Second Republic intensifies efforts to realise a US$12 billion mining industry by 2023.

A detailed document outlining the achievement of the US$12 billion mining industry by 2023 would be launched soon.

This was said by Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa while addressing journalists on the 30th Cabinet Decisions Matrix yesterday.

She said the provincial mining committee would comprise Directors of Physical Planning in the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, Environmental Management Agency, Zimbabwe National Water Authority and Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority.

ā€œCabinet considered a paper by the Minister of Mines and Mining Development on the roadmap for the achievement of a US$12 billion mining industry in Zimbabwe by 2023, a 344 percent increase from US$2,7 billion in 2017. A detailed document which will outline the achievement of the US$12 billion mining industry by 2023 will be launched very shortly,ā€ said Minister Mutsvangwa.

ā€œCabinet agreed that provincial committees chaired by the respective provincial mining directors be set up and that they should include provincial heads of EMA, ZINWA, ZERA, and Directors of Physical Planning in the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to coordinate mining-related developments.ā€

Minister Mutsvangwa said Cabinet had also received the latest update on progress in the implementation of several mining projects that include Karo Resources, Zimasco, Jinan Gweru, Kamativi Tailings Company and Arcadia Lithium among others.

ā€œAt Karo Resources, production of the first of four portals is on course for completion by the end of 2020 or first quarter of 2021.

ā€œZimascoā€™s expansion of furnace capacity at Kwekwe in progress, joint venture with Tsingshan to develop furnace capacity in Zvishavane is at advanced stages and work is underway on power generation from coal bed methane gas,ā€ said Minister Mutsvangwa.

On Tsingshanā€™s Steel Project, Minister Mutsvangwa said two furnaces would be commissioned next month as part of expansion of required ferrochrome production.

ā€œProduction of coke-site establishment done and teams will be on the ground in Mvuma area for resources evaluation,ā€ she said.

Minister Mustvangwa said South Mining Company had made remarkable progress and will start producing in less than three months. ā€œSouth Mining Company, they are constructing a coke works plant which will produce about 300 000 tonnes per annum generating about US$75 million.

ā€œThe first section of the battery which produces 150 000 tonnes being turned on around August 27, 2019 and will start producing about 50 days later. Second phase of 150 000 tonnes being turned on in December 2019,ā€ she said.

Minister Mutsvangwa further said on Bravura mining project, evaluation of resources was underway, with the company having invested heavily in drilling rigs.

ā€œArcadia Lithium funding secured and construction about to start. Kamativi Tailings Company construction in progress and should commence production in 2020,ā€ she said.

On Jinan Gweru, which produce high carbon ferrochrome, and being the sole producers of low carbon and ferrosilicon chrome which has high value, Minister Mutsvangwa said it would be commissioned next month.

She also said Tshingshan Afrochine which was running three furnaces in Selous, had two new furnaces ready for commissioning which currently made them the highest producers of high carbon ferrochrome.



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