Home News Machete Violence: Zvishavane Residents Petition ZRP.

Machete Violence: Zvishavane Residents Petition ZRP.


Zvishavane residents have petitioned the Zimbabwe Republic Police, court officials and other responsible authorities within the Midlands over the handling of machete violence criminals who are walking scot-free.

The petition is directed to the Officer Commanding Zvishavane District ZRP, the ZRP Officer Commanding Midlands, the Chief Law Officer, Midlands Resident Minister, the Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister, the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and the Attorney General.

The petitioners expressed displeasure at the granting of bail to machete violence suspects even after the Home Affairs Minister and his Justice ministry counterpart had assured the nation that cases of machete violence would not be taken lightly, further pointing out suspected corruption as seen in how the Investigating Officers are presenting the cases in court.

According to sources, a number of violent artisanal miners in Zvishavane are always boasting that they are linked to the authorities and are untouchable.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity a concerned resident fingered some of the officials in the violent crimes.

Speaking to Great Dyke News 24, one of the victims Tinashe Moyo said that he was stabbed and assaulted by a machete gang and is advocating for the denial of bail to such criminals.


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