Home News Mimosa Applauded For Water Supply Intervention.

Mimosa Applauded For Water Supply Intervention.


Platinum Miner Mimosa has been applauded for intervening to ease water challenges in Zvishavane’s Lot 4 suburb where residents were struggling to get regular water supply.

Speaking to Great Dyke News 24, Zvishavane Town Council Vice-Chairperson Councillor Mundoka said four tanks have been installed to support the community and deal with its water problems.

“Lot 4 had faced serious water shortages. We were struggling. I would like to thank Mimosa with what it has done for Lot 4. They have put five Jojo water tanks”, said Mundoka.

The council says work is ongoing in their efforts to ensure water is available in all residential area and this week more areas have begun getting water supply.

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Speaking to Great Dyke News 24, Zvishavane Mayor Khulekani Ndlovu said work is still in progress to ensure all areas have potable water.

He advised residents in areas that are yet to receive regular water supply to practice social distancing and mask up when they fetch water from community water points.

“Water supply is now reaching various positions and we have been digging for 4 days continuously. Our only problem was electricity but it was resolved. So water has reached all areas. We are required to follow the covid-19 regulations to curb its spread by giving each other chances to fetch water and be a metre or two apart”, said Ndlovhu.

Water supply has been erratic in Zvishavane over the past couple of months, with electrical faults among other problems been blamed for the crisis.


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