Home News Miners Urged To Comply With Covid-19 Guidelines. 

Miners Urged To Comply With Covid-19 Guidelines. 


Miners in the Great Dyke have been urged to comply fully with government’s lockdown health guidelines to ensure more lives are saved from the pandemic that has killed over two million globally.

In an interview, the Confederation of Zimbabwe Miners President, Rangani Chauke, said the sector may, in time, need a bailout package, but, at the moment, it has been able to operate without hindrance over the last eight months.

He added that mine owners have to repay the government’s trust in being allowed to operate during the lockdown period with production and compliance.

“We wish the government to roll-out a rescue package to the mines and also that the mines do not get deceived by employees but rather give themselves the responsibility to enforce the covid-19 regulations. Therefore, by enforcing these regulations we are saving lives”, he said.

He also indicated that with the exception of a marginal drop in chrome prices, mineral prices on both the domestic and international markets have not been hit hard by the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic with gold prices having remained stable.

“At the moment the markets seem favorable, they have not changed. We have realized that last year’s chrome prices are comparable to prevailing prices this year. The gold prices are favorable as well because up to now they are above USD$ 50 per gramme”, said Chauke.

To date, Zimbabwe has recorded more than 1200 covid-19 deaths from more than 33 300 recorded cases.

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