Home News President Urges Value Addition of Granite.

President Urges Value Addition of Granite.


President Emmerson Mnangagwa has expressed dismay at the lack of value-addition on the export of raw granite coming from Zimbabwe.

Speaking during the commissioning of new machinery at Allied Timbers factory in Msasa today, President Mnangagwa said the new dispensation wants sanity in the industry and urged other companies to emulate the way the company is doing it business.

Speaking about the granite industry, after touring Southern Granites Company President Mnangagwa said value addition is the way to go. He called for a ban on the export of raw granite.

“A 10000m3 of this stone is sold at US$4,5 million when raw, but if we value-add it, it will fetch up to US$12,9 million,” the President said.

He urged the nation to take bold steps to innovate and seek home grown solutions.

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“I am extremely impressed by what I saw at the Boards and Doors Production Plant and SouthernGranites Company. We must as a nation take bold steps to innovate and seek homegrown solutions.

“Recovery requires reform, responsibility and restructuring. Government will do all in its power to live the phrase servant leadership, improve ease of doing business and facilitate much needed investment. As we journey towards Vision 2030, let us innovate sustainably to create a brighter future for all,” he said .

President Mnangagwa said authorities should immediately remove people illegally settling in timber plantations.

 “Other parastatals must follow the route of Allied Timbers, which is generating its own foreign currency through exports and does not have to go to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) for forex allocation,” he added.


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