Home News Red Flag Raised As Mental Patients Bath In Crocodile Infested River

Red Flag Raised As Mental Patients Bath In Crocodile Infested River


Parents and relatives of patients at Ngomahuru Psychiatric Hospital which is 50 kilometres south of Masvingo have raised concern over the water situation at the institution which has seen patients having to take their baths at the local dam which is home to crocodiles.

In separate interviews, relatives and parents said they fear for the lives of the patients.

“With the water shortages at Ngomahuru we are in great fear for our loved ones who stay there who are mentally ill. We have heard that they are bathing in a crocodile infested river. We fear for their lives each and every day,” said one relative.

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Ngomahuru Psychiatric Hospital Medical Superintendent, Dr Parirenyatwa Maramba, said the patients have to bath every day and the staff at the institution are doing their best to ensure the patients are safe.

“Water supply has not been fixed, we were hoping it will be fixed as soon as possible because our patients are having to go to the rivers to bath,” said Dr Maramba.

Zinwa Corporate Communications Manager, Merjury Munyonga, said the problem has been dealt with and the facility is expected to start getting water today.

“ The water shortage at Ngomahuru was mainly caused by lack of power supply. They did not have electricity for almost a month. We were looking forward for electricity to be available so that we can pump water to them,” said Munyonga.


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