Home News Survival of Coronavirus a Marathon Not a Sprint (Part 4).

Survival of Coronavirus a Marathon Not a Sprint (Part 4).


By Munyaradzi Hwengwere.

This is the fourth and final part of an in depth 4 part analysis on Covid 19 and how it impacts on Zimbabwe .

Prominence of Online Education

With respect to education, when online schooling began, societyĀ questioned the weight of qualifications from such institutions.
Many also doubted the extent to whichĀ the conceptĀ could be applied to lower levels such asĀ pre-school and junior school.

This was despite evidence that pointed to effectiveness of a number of educationalĀ learning programmes.Ā 

In ZimbabweĀ we hadĀ MbuyaĀ Mlambo who made radio lessons very popular. For some reason little was doneĀ togrow this area. Ā 

Covid-19 hasĀ forced even preeminent schools likeĀ HarvardĀ University to embraceĀ online educational classes.
TheĀ lowerĀ schoolĀ levels have alsoĀ startedĀ asking serious questions over their own technologicallyĀ preparedness.Ā 

Sadly, in that inquiry serious questions on theĀ ruralĀ andurbanĀ divide have reared their ugly heads.

Educationist, technologists, and communication experts now need toĀ urgentlyĀ get together to ensure that appropriate models are developed that respond toĀ the riskĀ posed by Covid-19 to normalĀ educational institutions.

At lower levels it is now also critical that parents are fully embraced as part of the teaching class.Ā 

Of course,Ā it goes without saying that asĀ families begin to me more involved in the schoolingĀ of their ownĀ children, thereĀ equally must be a reconfiguration of their work interaction.

Imagine, having to ensure your child is listening to the online class while atĀ the same time having to grapple with deadlines for a report needed by your employer. Ā Ā 

Focus on home markets

Lastly, African youths who were now drawn to the diaspora and the street mustĀ understand thattheir concept of value must radically shift.
The street is likely to become a very in hospitable place for a very long time. Trading different currencies at various streets corners in Zimbabweā€™s towns and cities is now under threat.

Secondly with high unemployment in the overseas markets and disrupted borders,Ā not many countries will be welcoming foreigners.

The youths must makeĀ do with home markets. InnovateĀ at homeĀ or die.Ā Ā 

The entrepreneurial zeal many of the youths have suggest they canĀ be the necessary link between old industries and the new economy using technology.

Applications can be created that makeĀ agriculture,Ā mining and manufacturing more efficient. Mentorship programmes such as My Own Boss that supportĀ with practicalĀ skills and mentorship are now even more critical.

The newĀ normal,Ā may just be the tonic Zimbabwe needed to do the thingsĀ long spoken about but rarely done. Just as well not obeying the laws of nature brought by Coronavirus takes away that we value most, which is life.Ā SoĀ if we want to live but also must figure a new way of sustainingĀ dayĀ to day economic life,Ā weĀ must shift habits atĀ home,Ā work and country levels.Ā 

For now get ready for a marathon not a sprint.Coronavirus is not a disease that responds to 21 day state lockdowns but has a life of its own. Indications are that to make peace with this virus we must totally change habits ingrained in us for decades if not centuries.

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