Home Mining Rescue Operations Yet To Begin for trapped Bindura Miners.

Rescue Operations Yet To Begin for trapped Bindura Miners.


By Rumbidzai Chiriseri

The Zimbabwe Miners Federation, (ZMF ) says rescue operations are yet to begin for about 30 Illegal miners trapped in Ran Mine in Bindura yesterday when a trench caved in at the mine.

In an interview with Great Dyke News 24 ZMF Chief Executive Officer, Wellington Takavarasha said only six miners have managed to come out and the rest are still trapped underground.

‘’The rescue operation has not yet begun, only 6 illegal miners managed to come out.’’
Takavarasha also added that the mine was disused and entry was not controlled hence the number of miners trapped has not been ascertained.

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‘’ We are not sure how many Illegal miners were underground as the mine is disused and the miners would simply go to their own pits to mine,’’ said Takavarasha.

The permanent secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Nick Mangwana yesterday posted on tweeter confirming the incident saying the trapped miners were approximately 30 and the exact number is yet to be confirmed.

’’ A tragedy has occurred at Ran Mine in Bindura town. A deep disused mine trench has caved in trapping several illegal gold miners. Details to follow but numbers could be circa 30,’’ reads the tweet.


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