Home News Zimasco CSR Initiatives Hailed

Zimasco CSR Initiatives Hailed


The Kwekwe community has hailed Zimasco, the local chrome mining company for championing a number of livelihood initiatives such as the donation of $USD 134 000 which will be channeled towards the purchasing of COVID 19 PPE, drilling of boreholes, as well as infrastructure development.

In a telephone interview with Great Dyke News 24 Kwekwe District Coordinator, Fortune Mupungu said that they are grateful for the support from Zimasco.

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“They are doing a lot for the communities in Kwekwe.They have assisted greatly in the Covid-19 period and they have partnered with the Covid-19 task force ensuring that there is adequate water and sanitation.

They have donated some boreholes and they refurbished the wards at Kwekwe General Hospital. They are doing quite a good plough back to the community,” said Mupungu.

Some of the recent Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives undertaken by Zimasco within the Great Dyke include the purchasing of a refuse compactor as well as installing boreholes and solar powered water systems at Mbizo and Amaveni suburbs in Kwekwe.


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