Home Mining Zimbabwe Miners Federation Backs Henrietta Rushwaya as President Amidst Unanimous Support

Zimbabwe Miners Federation Backs Henrietta Rushwaya as President Amidst Unanimous Support


The Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) Executive has given its resounding backing to Ms. Henrietta Rushwaya as the President of the organization, as confirmed by Mr. Morgan Mugawu, the ZMF Secretary General.
In a memorandum addressed to the Provincial Chairpersons, Mugawu outlined the comprehensive endorsement by the ZMF National Executive in favor of Ms. Rushwaya’s presidency. This motion was initially raised by the General Council through Mr. Makumba Nyenje, the ZMF Midlands Province Chairperson, and was seconded by Ms. Christine Munyoro, Chairperson of ZMF Mashonaland Central.
Pastor Mugawu highlighted the unanimous support garnered for this motion, noting that Mr. Darlington Ndlovu, the ZMF Secretary for Youth, Mrs. J. Mazivazvose, the Women’s Secretary, and all other ZMF provinces unequivocally supported Ms. Rushwaya’s leadership.
The endorsement took shape during a meeting in Harare on November 24, 2023, where the Midlands Province, led by Chairman Mr. Makumba Nyenje, initiated the motion to support Rushwaya’s presidency. This move received unreserved support from Ms. Christine Munyoro of Mashonaland Central, as well as from representatives of the Youth, Women, and the remaining six ZMF provinces.
Mugawu stated that based on the overwhelming recommendations received, the National Executive formally affirms the Presidency of Madam Henrietta Rushwaya as the ZMF President,”.
It’s noteworthy that Rushwaya’s tenure as President will conclude in 2025, following which new leadership will be elected within the organization.

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