Home News Zimbabwe Agric Show Perseveres Under COVID-19

Zimbabwe Agric Show Perseveres Under COVID-19


The Zimbabwe Agricultural Society Chief Executive Officer Dr.Anxious Masuka has highlighted that COVID-19 had a negative impact on this year’s programmes including the Zimbabwe Agricultural Show and the Zimbabwe Agricultural Media Awards.

Speaking to Great Dyke Television, Dr. Masuka revealed that the Zimbabwe Agricultural Show has now been rescheduled to the end of October adding that they will stand guided by the authorities whether it is indeed going to be held.

” For planning purposes, we have slotted the 28th – 31st of October as the indicative dates for this show and of course press releases will be issued to guide the stakeholders appropriately.

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“We also launched the inaugural annual Zimbabwe Agricultural Media Awards last year and they were more successful and we were hoping to have these in June but again because of the COVID-19 pandemic we had to reschedule to a date in August,” he said.

Below is the video.


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