Home News ASM Halt Operations Due to Heavy Rains

ASM Halt Operations Due to Heavy Rains


The recent heavy rains have been welcomed in most parts of the country by farmers who are expecting to get a major return on agriculture investments but that is not the case for small scale and artisanal miners in mineral-rich Shurugwi who say the heavy rainfall activity of the past week has forced them to halt operations.

Miners that spoke to Great Dyke News 24 said the shafts are currently a dangerous place because of the flooding and the mud.

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“The heavy rains have stopped us from working. The mines are now muddy and getting inside the mine is difficult. The rains have surely affected us. (We wish) if only there were associations out there that can help us because mining is our means of survival”, said one of the miners.

More rainfall is expected across the country with the expected arrival of heavy rains associated with tropical depression Chalane this Wednesday.


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