Home News Breaking Barriers: Sadomba Shattering Glass Ceilings in Zim’s Mining Industry

Breaking Barriers: Sadomba Shattering Glass Ceilings in Zim’s Mining Industry


In the local chemical and mineral processing industry, one name stands out as a true trailblazer and visionary leader – Clara Sadomba.

She is a trailblazer in the mining sector and has emerged as a powerful force, breaking gender barriers and carving a path to success in a traditionally male-dominated industry.

With over twenty-five years of progressive work experience across various managerial levels, Sadomba has carved a remarkable path of success, leaving an indelible mark on the local business landscape.

From her early days in operational roles to her current executive position, Clara has consistently demonstrated a self-starter mentality and a drive for excellence. Her vast international business interactions have provided her with cross-sector and cross-cultural exposure, enabling her to navigate complex global markets with ease.

One of Sadomba’s greatest strengths lies in her exceptional strategic business appreciation and vision. She possesses the unique ability to foresee industry trends and adapt accordingly, always staying one step ahead of the competition.

This foresight has allowed her to build and implement sophisticated plans that cater explicitly for ever-changing business needs, resulting in outstanding outcomes and remarkable growth.

But her success is not just limited to her strategic acumen. She embodies a rare combination of self-drive and self-reliance, coupled with a remarkable ability to collaborate effectively within a team. Her leadership style is characterized by motivation, mentorship, and a genuine passion for developing people. Sadomba’s commitment to nurturing talent has earned her the respect and admiration of colleagues and subordinates alike.

Her expertise spans a wide range of critical areas within the industry. From pyrometallurgy to hydrometallurgy, she possesses deep knowledge and hands-on experience in various processing techniques. Her project management skills have delivered successful outcomes on numerous high-stakes ventures, while her logistics optimisation expertise has streamlined operations, saving both time and resources.

Regulatory compliance is another area where Sadomba excels, ensuring that her organisation operates within the framework of legal requirements and industry standards. Her operational leadership has led to remarkable turnarounds in struggling companies, while her drive for productivity improvement has consistently yielded exceptional results.

In addition to her technical prowess, Sadomba possesses a natural flair for business development and brand management. She understands the importance of positioning a company strategically in the marketplace and identifying opportunities in international markets. Her competitive industry analysis skills allow her to stay ahead of industry trends and leverage market dynamics to her advantage.

Her impact extends beyond the boardroom. She recognises the significance of change management and the power of effective public relations. Sadomba is adept at managing client relationships, ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction and retention. Her expertise in supply chain management ensures seamless operations and efficient delivery of products and services.

With an impressive career spanning stints at several prestigious organisations, Sadomba has consistently demonstrated her expertise and innovation, leaving an indelible mark on the industry.

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Sadomba currently serves as the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Silvergill Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd in Harare. Since March 2022, she has led the company as an integrated logistics service provider, specializing in rail-based solutions for break and loose bulk cargo movements. Through her extensive network and collaboration with reputable sub-contractors, Sadomba has established tailor-made logistics solutions for bulk commodity players in Zimbabwe, catering to both domestic and international markets.

Prior to her role at Silvergill Enterprises, Sadomba held the position of General Manager – Marketing at Zimasco (Pvt) Ltd in Harare from April 2009 to February 2022. During her tenure, she achieved notable milestones for her company including being recognized as Rail User of the Year in 2011 and 2012 by the National Railways of Zimbabwe for net tonnes per kilometre.

She also earned accolades for Zimasco as the Top Exporter of the Year in 2018 for both Chrome Ore and Ferrochrome by the Mineral Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe. Her strategic responsibilities at Zimasco included formulating marketing strategies and plans, conducting market analysis, optimizing marketing, sales, and logistics processes, and overseeing corporate communication.

Sadomba’s journey at Zimasco began in 2004 when she joined as the Sales & Logistics Manager. In this role, she excelled in managing the sale of the company’s products and overseeing the logistics of product movement from the plant to various ports.

She liaised with key stakeholders such as the Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, National Railways of Zimbabwe, and Mozambique Railways, ensuring smooth export operations. Sadomba’s expertise in regulatory compliance and linkage between marketing plans and production output contributed to the company’s success.

Before her time as Sales & Logistics Manager, Sadomba served as the Raw Materials Manager at Zimasco’s Kwekwe location from 2001 to June 2004. In this role, she was responsible for planning, budgeting, and scheduling raw materials consumption for the production of high carbon ferrochromium. She also oversaw the transportation, receipt, and processing of chromite ore, reductants, and fluxes. Her efficient management of the supply chain ensured uninterrupted production and optimal resource utilisation.

Sadomba’s early career at Zimasco included roles such as Metallurgical Services Manager, Laboratory Manager, and Plant Metallurgist, where she gained comprehensive experience in process control, laboratory services, and metallurgical support. Her dedication to continuous improvement and technical excellence made her a valuable asset to the organisation.

Sadomba’s education laid a solid foundation for her successful career. She earned a Master’s in Engineering (Metallurgical Engineering) from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Prior to that, she completed a Bachelor of Technology in Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology at the University of Zimbabwe.

Throughout her career, Sadomba has exemplified a visionary leadership style, driving innovation, and achieving remarkable results. Her expertise in marketing, sales, logistics, and metallurgical processes has propelled organisations to new heights.

Sadomba’s commitment to strategic planning, market analysis, and regulatory compliance has set her apart as a leader in the mining industry. Her ability to optimise operations, develop effective communication strategies, and nurture talent has earned her respect and admiration from colleagues and subordinates alike.

Sadomba’s journey in the mining sector serves as a testament to the power of determination, resilience, and breaking down barriers. Her achievements highlight the transformative impact that individuals can have in challenging societal norms and driving positive change. With her remarkable accomplishments and unwavering commitment to gender equality, Sadomba’s influence in the mining sector will undoubtedly continue to inspire and shape the industry for years to come.


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