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Coronavirus Watch.


Global Statistics

CountryTotal CasesNew CasesTotal DeathsTotal Recovered
Spain136,675 13,34140,437
Italy132,547 16,52322,837
Germany 103,375 1,81036,081
France98,010 8,91117,250
South Africa1 686+311295
Zambia39 15
Mozambique10 15
Botswana6 1 

The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 209 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances.

The United States has emerged as one of the world’s worst-hit nations, with a steadily mounting number of fatalities. 

Baltimore-based Johns Hopkins University, which has been keeping a running tally of coronavirus numbers, said more than 36,000 US cases had been confirmed, with 10,941 deaths by late Monday.

Only Italy (16,523) and Spain (13,341) have seen more of their citizens killed by the pandemic.

UK Covid-19 death toll breaks 5 000

More than 5 000 people who tested positive for coronavirus have now died in the UK, the health ministry said in a tweet

31 new cases were recorded in South Africa to bring the total number of cases to 1 686 and one death was recoded bringing the total number of deaths to 12

Zambia has a total of 39 cases with one death and 5 cases that have recovered. 

Mozambique and Eswatini both have 10 active cases and no cases of deaths recorded while Botswana has 6 cases and 1 death. 

Zimbabwe recorded one more positive case of Coronavirus and now stands at 10The National Microbiology Reference lab tested 13 samples and one tested positive. The number of deaths remains unchanged. 

SA to use TB Machine to test for Coronavirus

A machine called the GeneXpert, currently used to diagnose tuberculosis (TB), will be used by the state to test for the coronavirus. The smallest version of the machine is the size of a desktop computer. It takes 45 minutes to give a result.

South African Economy Projection
South Africa’s economy may contract by between 2% and 4% this year as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the SA Reserve Bank has said. In its latest Monetary Policy Review, the central bank said there was also limited scope for an economic rebound in 2021, with growth unlikely to exceed 1%.

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