Home News Many Of Us Are Living With Covid-FC Platinum Spokesperson.

Many Of Us Are Living With Covid-FC Platinum Spokesperson.


FC Platinum spokesperson Chido Chizondo who did not travel with the team to Tanzania for the second leg of the Champions League encounter against Simba SC after she tested positive for COVID-19, says she is recovering from the disease.

In an interview with GreatDykeNews24, Chizondo said she is not showing any symptoms of the pandemic adding that her husband and herself are both in self isolation.

“I am recovering well with no symptoms. Only my husband and myself have covid and we are both isolated and well.

“Covid is not a myth and they are many of us walking and living with it.

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“We need to be safe to protect those around us,” she said.
Chizondo urged Zimbabweans to follow all lockdown regulations including the wearing of masks in public places.

“Let us self isolate, let’s wear masks and follow all the lockdown regulations. This too will pass. We just need to endure for a little while and we will become victors,” she added.

Last week Chizondo revealed the news of her positive test for covid-19.
“I was ready and geared up for 2021 this morning, ready to face the battle with my football family and, boom, I test positive for Covid-19.
“I have gone into isolation, but my heart is with my family (FC Platinum) as they take on this challenge.”

The Pure Platinum Play left the country during the weekend and will play against Simba SC this Wednesday at Benjamin Mkapa Stadium in Dar es Salaam.

The winner of the two-legged clash will progress to the lucrative group stages of the tournament whose draw will be conducted on January 17, with matches getting underway on February 12.


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