Home News Masvingo North Legislator Calls for Swift Alignment of Mining Laws with Constitution

Masvingo North Legislator Calls for Swift Alignment of Mining Laws with Constitution


In a bid to bolster efficiency and spur economic growth within Zimbabwe’s mining sector, Masvingo North Member of Parliament, Honourable Brian Mudumi, has underscored the pressing need for the alignment of mining legislation with the provisions of the national constitution.

In a statement addressing the critical issue, Honourable Mudumi emphasized the significance of bringing Zimbabwe’s mining laws in line with constitutional mandates.He particularly highlighted the implications of this alignment on the operations of small-scale miners, stressing the potential benefits it could yield for this vital segment of the mining industry.

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Drawing attention to the government’s role in fostering sectoral improvements, Honourable Mudumi urged swift action in the formulation of bills aimed at enhancing efficiency within the mining domain. By addressing legislative gaps and streamlining regulatory frameworks, he envisages a more conducive environment for mining activities, thereby facilitating sustainable economic development.

Moreover, Honourable Mudumi underscored the importance of empowering youths within the mining sector, viewing it as a strategic intervention to mitigate the risk of idleness leading to drug and substance abuse among young people. By providing opportunities for meaningful engagement and skill development within the mining industry, he advocates for a proactive approach to combating social challenges and fostering youth participation in productive economic endeavors.


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