Home News Parents Withdraw Learners from Victoria Primary School.

Parents Withdraw Learners from Victoria Primary School.


Parents with children at Victoria Primary School in Masvingo say they have resolved to take their children home after realising the school has no measures in place to protect the learners from the covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking to Great Dyke News Reporter, Faith Vurayayi parents said there were no teachers at the school to take care of the students.

“I did not send my children to school today because l realised that there are no teachers. Since there are no teachers it is difficult for the children to practice social distance and they are most likely to contract the virus,” said one parent.

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“As a parent l’m not happy with what is happening at this school. There is no social distancing, children are overcrowded and they are not able to protect themselves from this disease. We want measures to be taken to ensure children are not overcrowded in their classrooms,” said another parent.

Speaking to the same reporter Masvingo Provincial Education Director Zedious Chitiga, said that he was not aware of what is happening at the school and indicated that to his knowledge teachers were reporting for duty.


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