Home Politics South Africa Extends Congratulations to Zimbabwe for Recent Elections

South Africa Extends Congratulations to Zimbabwe for Recent Elections


The Republic of South Africa has extended its congratulations to both the government and citizens of The Republic of Zimbabwe for successfully orchestrating and conducting the harmonized elections. The elections encompassed the selection of the President, National Assembly members, and Local government representatives, transpiring on the 23rd and 24th of August 2023.
Acknowledging the challenging economic backdrop marked by enduring sanctions faced by the Zimbabwean populace, South Africa said it recognizes the resilience exhibited in conducting these elections.
In addition, South Africa said it takes cognizance of the initial assessments provided by esteemed International Observer Missions, notably the African Union (AU) and the South African Development Community (SEOM) Observer Missions.
Zimbabwe`s Southern neighbour called upon all Zimbabwean parties to collaboratively uphold peace and channel efforts towards fostering progress and collective prosperity within the nation.

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