Home Health Coronavirus Watch

Coronavirus Watch


What should you do about coronavirus?

Wash your hands often or use hand sanitiser.

Avoid crowds.

Avoid hugging or shaking hands when greeting others.

Donā€™t touch any high touch surfaces such as doorknobs, bathroom faucet handles, etc.

Frequently clean high touch surfaces in your home.

Get enough sleep and have a healthy diet.

Follow hospital visitor guidelines and restrictions.

Contain and mitigate: stop the spread and lessen its impact

ā€“ When facing a pandemic like the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, it is important to do what you can to contain the spread of the virus, thereby ā€œmitigatingā€ or lessening its impact.

ā€“  To do so, there are things we can do from a public health standpoint.  Social distancing, such as preventing social gatherings in bars, night clubs, sports events, etc., is one way. Likewise, restricting visitors in hospitals and preventing or otherwise severely constraining visitation to our most vulnerable, namely those in nursing homes, while a difficult decision, is also an important step.


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